Hargadon Family

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 Re inquiries from some of the clan,I may be of some help;?  On my tree We have a Patrick Hargadon

born on Jan 8th' 1852. who married Catherine Mc Golderick in 1868, they had a daughter Mary Ellen on

20th, Jan 1870 in Sligo.It appears that Patrick went to Liverpool and was father to a son Samuel William

Hargadon in 1880;  who got married to a Elizabeth Davies on 8th'April 1900 at St.Simon Liverpool.

 As yet I dont know if Patrick's first wife died or what happened or who the mother of Samuel William

was but the records show that Patrick was his father

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It may well be William Samuel rather than as stated.I wonder how many wives Patrick had??; On the 1911 census William

Hargadon lived at Runcorn Cheshire,Liverpool,with wife Margaret aged 30years and 28years respectfully; had 3 children Mary Elizabeth aged5;William Sam. aged4,and John aged 6months,also living with were his brother in law John Mc Kenzieaged 31 and Ruth Ormson aged 16 both single. Records also show a William Samuel living at 27 Lime GroveToxteth Park, East, Liverpool.I hope this can be of some help to B Hanlon

Hi, It has been quite sometime and I'm not actually sure if I had already replied to this?

Do you actually have a family tree on web site,  like ancestry?

Do you actually have  a birth certificate for Patrick Hargadon?

I only have Patrick married to Mary Ann Sommerville, and that they had John James,William Samuel 20th March 1881 and Margaret Ann.

Lime Grove is just one street away from where I live, but sadly the house is no longer there, the only one in the street that's been demolished!

My email is briandhanlon@hotmail.com


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