Hargadon Family

Connecting Hargadons from Around the World

In the year 2000, I held a Hargadon family reunion in Delaware in the US.  At the time several branches of Hargadons, mostly from the Philadelphia and New Jersey areas, attended.  It was a lot of fun, and we figured out A LOT of the family connections--which ultimately led me to finding the family farmhouse outside of Sligo this past summer.

I'd like to consider planning another larger Hargadon family gathering--both for the purpose of getting to know others and to continue researching how the family lines fit together.  There are, as I'm aware, groups of Hargadons in Louisville, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Boston, Canada, Australia, England, and Ireland.  I'm sure I'm missing some! 


1.  Is anyone planning any upcoming reunions that you'd like to let others know about?

2.  If I planned a larger reunion on the East Coast of the US in July of 2012, are there others who'd want to help make this happen?

3.  Is anyone bold enough to try and hold one in Ireland?


Let me know what you think by replying here.  :)



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On number two, I'll help you out.  Ireland sounds like fun but summer is peak airfare season so some may find it easier on the wallet to stay in the US.

Ed Hargadon


Great, Ed.  You and I are a good team!

Sounds great. At least the east coast part, Because of other committments  dates of July 9th to 15th would be out for me.  I could see if there are other Hargadons in the Ottawa area who would be  interested in the event. Also, I believe Malachy Hargadon, now residing in Brussels, may be coming over this summer. Could also check with him. Good news, Canadian dollar now at par with you guys!

Thanks for all your hard work.


Brian Ottawa ON. Canada


So, I'm thinking late July of 2012--the summer after next.  I know with my own family that this summer is already tricky for people.  So I'm thinking if we look to a date in 2012 we're more likely to allow those who want to be able to put it on their calendars. :)


Will be glad to help with the Kentucky side of the family. We had a reunion during Thanksgiving weekend 2009 that was well attended and I have all the email eddresses. Ireland sounds like fun but would like to try one closer to home first. Let me know if I can help from my area.

Pat Hargadon

Have never connected physically with the Pennsylvania and Kentucky Hargadons--would love to find that common ancestor that is surely there.  He is in the gray zone, surely--pre-1850 when the records and recollections are so hard to find.  Would be fun to make sure we figure out involving or joining you!


I will pass this information along to our small group.  The Fourth of July is always out for us.  This year will be the 27th Annual Bernard Hargadon 3 Mile Run/Walk. 

Hope you are well.



I have such fond memories of doing this with you years ago!

1. I know of none, but would be interested to  hear about any.

2. If I'm around I would try to help.

3. Ireland is possible, but I'm not sure I'm up to the trip, but my son might be very interested.


Donald J Hargadon

Keep the Baltimore-based Hargadons in the loop. We can probably gather a large contingent — there are 40-some Hargadons in our family.
Awesome!  Thanks so much for making sure we keep you in the loop!

Some of the Hargadon family in Motherwell & Wishaw, Scotland as well as our cousins in Ontario, Canada may well be interested in your planned reunion in the US. July probably wont be a problem but time to plan the trip would be nice.

Look forward to hearing more.


Brian Hargadon


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