Hargadon Family

Connecting Hargadons from Around the World

Small cousin reunion of descendants of Bernard and Anna Hargadon

We had our informal cousin reunion last week at Karen and Frank Murphy's home.  It was great to see those who came, and we missed those who couldn't!  
Huge shout-outs to everyone for coming together (driving, flying!), to Chip for coordinating the final details, and to Karen and Frank for hosting. It was very fun to get together--we'll do it again!
Two photos are attached.  The names (in order for the photos) are below.
Photo 1:  Top Row - Kevin Murphy, Andrew Murphy, Sean Murphy, Christoph Hargadon, Kenneth Hargadon; Bottom Row - Anna Heuisler, Mary Heuisler, Guinevere Hargadon, Ruben Hargadon
Photo 2:  Rat (Jim) Stevenson, Laura Stevenson Palmero, Frank Murphy, Chuck Heuisler, Karen Heuisler Murphy, Jim Hargadon, Gretchen Hargadon, Jennifer Heuisler, Chip Heuisler, Anne Stevenson, Steve Hargadon, Judy Heuisler

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