Hargadon Family

Connecting Hargadons from Around the World

Please introduce yourself, tell us where you're from, and let us know anything else about you or your Hargadon roots that you want to...

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Hi Conor

I also know your family.

Can you pls send me an email.


Thank you.


Hello, I'm Krissie Stone from SW England, UK and have only recently discovered that I have Hargadon ancestors. I found this out through taking a DNA test which has obviously linked me up to various cousins. Not 100% sure yet but I think my great(s) grandparents were John Hargadon and Mary Brown from Sligo. My family research is still in its infancy at the moment, so I'm hoping to build up a Hargadon family tree linking me on a branch in the near future.


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