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ian wainwright
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ian wainwright's Page

Profile Information

Hargadon Conenction:
my mothers maiden name is hargadon
More About Me:
i live in liverpool/merseyside area of north west england and still have hargadon relatives in this area
Contact Info (Skype, email, etc.)

Comment Wall (4 comments)

At 10:01am on June 12, 2009, Marguirite Georgina Hargadon said…
Hi Ian
I was very excited to hear from you, and to hear that there are still Hargadon's living in Liverpool today. I'd love it if you would ask around for me to see if anyone in your family knows of an Eleanor or Earnest Hargadon a bit higher up the family tree and I'm sure dads brothers name was Albert I imagine if he was still alive he would be in his 90's now. Dad died 10 years ago however if he was still alive today he would have been 82 on the 4th of this month. Dad's name was George Cecil Hargadon.
Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.
At 10:04am on June 12, 2009, Marguirite Georgina Hargadon said…
One more thing I remembered is that dads mum and dad (Eleanor and Ernest) had the 2 sons Albert then George (dad) I think about 17 years later but in the middle Eleanor had (I think) 8 girls of which the eldest any of them ever lived was 6 weeks (again I think).
At 11:12pm on September 16, 2009, Al Hargadon said…
Hello Ian:

My name is Albert John Hargadon.

I just posted the following to Marguirite Georgina Hargadon and this has to be a match !!!!!!!

Oh my God !!!!! My name is Albert John Hargadon age 54 and my Father was Albert Ernest Hargadon born Dec 13, 1913 from Liverpool who had a younger brother named George who was with the merchant marines and who went missing during WWII. My Fathers mother was Elanor and he told me she was blind and in a wheel chair when he was 17 at which time he joined the Royal Engineers and served pre/during/post WWII before moving to Cincinatti, Ohio. He tried to find George after the war to no avail.

My Father died in 1982 and his wife Elisabeth (my mom) is still living.

I also have a sister Elisabeth Ann Hargadon-Mutchler age 57 who also lives in California.

Please send me your email address and I can send pictures and a copy of my fathers military record as validation.

Please write back because you would be my ONLY 1st cousin !!!!!!

Al Hargadon
At 2:59am on August 6, 2019, Stella said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:(mrsstellaabudheir200@gmail.com ) for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.


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