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Marguirite Georgina Hargadon
  • 55, Female
  • Perth, Western Australia
  • Australia
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Marguirite Georgina Hargadon's Friends

  • jane hargadon

Marguirite Georgina Hargadon's Page

Profile Information

Hargadon Conenction:
My dad was form Liverpool his name was George Cecil Hargadon born 4 June 1927. He lost touch with his family after settling in Australia just after then end of World War II during which he has "run away" to sea joining the Brittish Merchant Navy. I've never therefore have never known anyone from his side of the family and would love to be able to find this side of my family of which I imagine only cousins would still be living.
More About Me:
I'm now married and my married name is Morris. I'm a 39yo mother of 2 children, a girl aged 11 and a son aged 9.

Comment Wall (9 comments)

At 9:29am on May 29, 2009, Steve Hargadon said…
Well, let's hope this group grows big enough to ultimately help you make those connections! :)
At 9:18am on June 12, 2009, ian wainwright said…
my mums maiden name is hargadon our whole family is from liverpool
At 4:20pm on August 14, 2009, Oliver Hargadon said…
I had a Granduncle who lived in Norticote, Victoria. My family are from Sligo and i wonder if their is any connection.
At 11:09pm on September 16, 2009, Al Hargadon said…
Oh my God !!!!! My name is Albert John Hargadon age 54 and my Father was Albert Ernest Hargadon born Dec 13, 1913 from Liverpool who had a younger brother named George who was with the merchant marines and who went missing during WWII. My Fathers mother was Elanor and he told me she was blind and in a wheel chair when he was 17 at which time he joined the Royal Engineers and served pre/during/post WWII before moving to Cincinatti, Ohio. He tried to find George after the war to no avail.

My Father died in 1982 and his wife Elisabeth (my mom) is still living.

I also have a sister Elisabeth Ann Hargadon-Mutchler age 57 who also lives in California.

Please send me your email address and I can send pictures and a copy of my fathers military record as validation.

Please write back because you would be my ONLY 1st cousin !!!!!!

Al Hargadon
At 1:06pm on March 9, 2010, Al Hargadon said…
Hi Cousin:

Nice to meet you !!!!!

All these years and I thought I had NO 1st cousins and it turns out I now have SIX ..... how exciting is that ?

I hope you can email me back soon but if not please send me a long letter telling me about your life, your Dad, the other 5 cousins (where do they live, email addresses, mailing addresses) and what your Dad had told you about his life growing up in Liverpool, his parents, etc ..... AND if you could send any old/new photos so I could scan them and put them on this site.

I will write back and return the photos I promise.

Here's my mailing address:

Al Hargadon
16533 Mira Bella Place
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Thanks !!!
At 1:25pm on March 9, 2010, Al Hargadon said…
Hi Marguirite:

Please also send me your work email address, work tel# and home address / tel#.

I am going to visit my Mom (your Uncles wife) on Mar 19-21 and will come home with many old pictures that I would like to send you.

Al (George Cecil's Nephew)
At 6:34am on March 10, 2010, Marguirite Georgina Hargadon said…
Hi (Cousin) Al

I think I've bomarded you in every avenue I've found today lol. I'm only on my friends computer for a few minutes but I will leave you my mobile phone number while I've got the chance it is : 0439 514 864.
I dont have much contact with the rest of the kids but have left a message for Gail on Facebook telling her we have made contact. I have sent you a friend request on Facebook tonight too. Gail is on my friends list on there "Gail Poulson" but she doesnt seem to have been online for awhile. I've also sent her daughter in law on Facebook so hopefully she soon gets the message.
I've got to go now sorry its 9:30pm and I have to get the kids home to bed for school tomorrow. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Your (Cousin) Margie
At 6:41am on March 10, 2010, Marguirite Georgina Hargadon said…
Hi Al

I sent you a long email today from work on your "charter" email address from my work email in case you didnt get it here is my work email.
Marguirite.Morris@housing.wa.gov.au and my hotmail email address is mgm554@hotmail.com.
Ok gotta fly now sorry.

Bye for now
At 3:04am on August 6, 2019, Stella said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:(mrsstellaabudheir200@gmail.com ) for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.


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