Hargadon Family

Connecting Hargadons from Around the World

In the year 2000, I held a Hargadon family reunion in Delaware in the US.  At the time several branches of Hargadons, mostly from the Philadelphia and New Jersey areas, attended.  It was a lot of fun, and we figured out A LOT of the family connections--which ultimately led me to finding the family farmhouse outside of Sligo this past summer.

I'd like to consider planning another larger Hargadon family gathering--both for the purpose of getting to know others and to continue researching how the family lines fit together.  There are, as I'm aware, groups of Hargadons in Louisville, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Boston, Canada, Australia, England, and Ireland.  I'm sure I'm missing some! 


1.  Is anyone planning any upcoming reunions that you'd like to let others know about?

2.  If I planned a larger reunion on the East Coast of the US in July of 2012, are there others who'd want to help make this happen?

3.  Is anyone bold enough to try and hold one in Ireland?


Let me know what you think by replying here.  :)



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Here it is, 2016 already and we are currently looking in to the family history of my Father,  While I didn't make the 2000 family reunion, I wonder if there are any other events coming up?

Working on an event to take place in Calry in 2018 so going through a lot of my father's papers.A letter from around Mrch 1934 to my father  and ws from Wisternia Garden 2237  Main Ave., Scranton Pa. Name looks like Mae R. Hargadon. It concerned a fellow, Martin  who appears to have been working in a camp for 20 cents a day. Martin came to Canada and stayed with my parents for a while and was looking to go to the U.S. and Mae indicated that Ambassador McWhite of the Irish Fee State ws going to see her. I spoke to Martin's son, the only information he knew was his father was one of 17 children and not even sure when he came to Canada. Hope all is well Stephen, was over to Ireland in February nd may go back again in August or September to work on the family tree and some recognition of my father who was a poet and was born in Calry, Sligo. Two brothers moved to California. Tom, had a daughter, Mary Caroline and I met he in the 70's but no contact since.and no idea what her married name was. Would now be around my age, 84 if still living. . 

Hi Steve. There is scope for a Hargadon family reunion in Sligo this August in parallel with the commemoration of Michael A Hargadon (1888-1968). However, Calry Local History Society does not have the resources to organise the reunion. It will have to be undertaken by a Hargadon individual or group. We can provide support for the reunion and the local genealogy centre stands ready to assist (I have met the staff). Sligo in August is a lively place with lots going on. Activities that could be considered in a reunion include:

1. A one-day Hargadon clan get-together

2. Research in Sligo Genealogy Centre

3. Visit the locations of Hargadon homesteads

4. Boat trip on Lough Gill (as many Hargadons lived near the lake)

5. Clan dinner in local hotel.

A recent gathering of the O'Gara clan followed this model although they focussed on Lough Gara area.

I float this idea out for members to discuss.



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